This reference is the definitive source of help. However, I also make extensive use of Ballon Help within dialog boxes, so please feel free to turn this on at any time.
For System 7.5 users, I've also supplied the Black Night Guide file for use under AppleGuide. The guide file provides step by step instructions for some common operations. For the guide file to appear in the help menu, it must be located in the same folder as the Black Night Application.
For scripting, the simplest way is to turn recording on. That way you get a sample script that should be quite a good match to what you're trying to script. A reference of commands specific to this software is included later in this reference. Otherwise, for generic commands, please refer to your AppleScript (or other scripting language) documentation.
For Third Party connection, terminal and file transfer tools, please refer to the documentation that should come with each tool.